Sunday, 13 July 2014

Sunday, thoughts..

Hi all :) It's sunday morning. I'm sat on the sofa with the dog by my side (he is huge now, I almost did my back in carrying him up the stairs yesterday so I could bath him). I won't be doing that again! I wasn't doing it for fun by the way, when he knows it's bath time (and believe me he knows) he refuses to go up the stairs by himself until he is caught and carried..Then he tolerates his baths and is fine! Funny thing. Anyway yes so it is sunday and the sky is very grey. I feel like staying on the sofa all day and drawing...... Maybe eating raw chocolate cake and drinking lots of Barley cup drinks. Mmmmm.. I have ditched coffee/caffeine and am managing ok on the healthy substitutes such as Redbush tea and Barley Cup.It's going ok and I definitely feel more alert in the afternoons :)

Today's sky

So what I wanted to ask you all about today is workspaces.Where do you work when your at home? My workspace really needs to change. I have finally given in to the fact that my OH needs the spare room for his business. The room is overflowing with camera equipment, boxes, files, batteries and my art things are drowning in it all.  My OH owns and runs a company called The flying Camera Company, take a look if you have time :)

So I have been looking around the house and I have identified 2 spaces for potential Art work space. One is on the hallway on top of the stairs, currently there is an over flowing cupboard in the space. The other space would be in  our dining room but would mean moving things around. Either way there is a whole lot of charity shopping of clothes/books to do as we just don't have enough space.

I have had a look on the brilliant Pinterest and here are some work spaces that have caught my eye..




So it seems I have a lot of sorting and organizing to do! I would love to know where you work at home and I would love to see pictures!

Speak soon x

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