Monday, 2 August 2010

Illustration Friday 'Artificial'

Word of the week for Illustration Friday is 'Artificial'. I'm afraid my image for this week isn't too exciting!! It is good however to have a reason to draw everyday items, I need to do this more often I think, 'Sweetness and light', a sugar substitute. Boring, sorry!


  1. no, it's PERFECT! i love this. flat out love.

  2. Ladies.....thanks for the support of my boring (and very pink) post!! Blissful chick you make me laugh :-)

  3. Nice image! I thought of artificial sweetener too, but didn't know how to draw it. I've only seen the little packets they have in restaurants and coffee shops.

  4. very funny for artifcial. Love the lid.

  5. you should sell it to a swetenner company it's so cute!


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