Sunday, 1 August 2010

Day 3 & 4 the BIG project

Hi all, so I'm back from the beautiful Devon countryside... I saw friends and family, had some very interesting and inspirational conversations and didn't want to come back! I managed to get my drawings done for days 3 & 4 and here they are.....Day 3 is a collection of tea cups that I put together at my mums house. I love the house that my step dad and my mum live in, it's full of lots of interesting things and I think I could definitely go there and just draw for a week, there are collections of glass wear, antique cigar cases, tea sets, teddy bears, old tins and lots of other things they also have two tortoises and four crazy cats...So as you can imagine there's a lot of things there to work with!

My drawing for day 4 is of a violin. This is something I was given yesterday by my grandma, she has just moved home so has lots of stuff to sort through as she is seriously down sizing, I was given lots of photography books and some great art equipment (she's a photographer) and this violin. This violin is very special as it belonged to my great grandfather who died just before I was born. He was an artist and a musician and whilst I was growing up my great grandmother kept this violin high up on the wall and we weren't allowed to touch it as it was so precious to her. I remember sitting crossed legged on the carpet looking up at it and really wanting to play with it. I spent a few years at school learning the violin then gave up, I'd love to learn again and now I have my great grandfathers violin to look after and learn on....Pretty special don't you think? I'm very happy about it. :-)

I did a lot of playing around in Photo shop with this drawing and I like this version too:

I feel a violin pattern coming on! Just not today, as it's very late here in the UK. Night all I hope you had a good weekend :-)


  1. Rebekah, Thank you so much for stopping by. I really like your work.
    Your line work is simply delicious and wonderful. Very nicely done.

  2. Great illustrations, it's nice to hear the story behind them too, keep up the good work.

  3. loving the idea of a violin pattern :D


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